Substitute Board Member
Dr. Kemal Erol Law Bureau
Born in 1954, Ankara; Kemal Erol graduated from Faculty of Law of Ankara University in 1975 with merit, after primary education. He was the first graduate student of the same faculty, where he wrote his thesis in private law with the subject on mortgages, which was published in 1977. He was designated as judge in Uşak, then Ministry of Defense, while he was on military duty and finally judge of Araklı (Trabzon’s province); before he attended to 7th and 11th (trade law) divisions of Supreme Court of Turkey between years 1981 and 1989 as investigative judge. Meanwhile, he passed the exam for studying for Turkey’s European Union studies, which was for one year in Norwich and London in 1987. Following year he proceeded to Amsterdam University, where he obtained graduate degree on European Community Law with his thesis on “Comparison of Legislation on Competition of European Union and Turkey”. Afterwards he acquired Jean Monnet scholarship and he obtained PhD degree on European Community Law with the thesis on Foreign Country Applications of Competition Laws, where he fulfilled his studies in Ankara and King’s College of London. He is one of the constituents of Chamber of Coordination with the European Community in Ministry of Justice, in which he contributed to Turkish Law to comply with European Union between years 1989 and 1997, with his studies. Meanwhile he practiced as president of Compliance Committee in Competition and as reporter for Committees of CorporateLaw, Intellectual Property Law and Public Procurement Law. As a result of his contribution in preparations of first Competition Law, which was approved by the Turkish Parliament by the end of 1994, he worked as the vice president and a member of Competition Committee, which he was selected from the share of Supreme Court of Turkey for 6 years between the years 1997 and March 2003. Following the end of his term, he retired from Competition Committee and from judgeship and he worked as Chief Legal Counsel of Koç Holdings Inc. for 3 years. On March 1st, 2006, he resigned and established Dr. Kemal Erol Law Bureau. As well-known as in Turkey for Competition Law, he is acquainted in EU, OECD, UNCTAD and WTO. As a member and head of Competition Working Group of Turkish Industry and Business Association for 5 years. He is still president of Istanbul Chapter of Competition Association. He is lecturing on competition law in Law Faculty of Yeditepe University, married to Prof. Dr. Dilek Erol, with 2 children, who is founding dean of same university’s Faculty of Pharmacy. Besides being founding Dean of Law Faculty of American University of Cyprus, he is entitled as President of Karaköy Rotary Club for 201-2020 period.